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Tek 7854 manuals and publications (set of 7) textsrch

Tektronix 7854 Service, Operations and Diagnostics Manuals in PDF in a 2-CD Set
Don't rely on what "marketing" vendors write: HERE ARE SAMPLES.
(No need to "email for samples," so no need to worry about getting sold to a SPAM list!)
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Includes the Tektronix Semiconductor Parts Catalog, plus an interesting and informative Articles PDF. Also, because so often TM500 series power modules/plugins are used in conjunction with the 7000 series instruments, this CD also includes a fully bookmarked, hyperlinked and text-searchable scan of the entire "TM500 Rear Interface Data Book", a "TM500 Modular Test & Measurement Instruments" 44 Page Brochure and the Publication "Suggested Power Supply Circuits for The TM500 Blank Plug-In Kit" at no additional charge!
These manuals cover the Tektronix 7854 Oscilloscope. They are scanned from the original manufacturer's manuals. The scans came out well, and all information available in the original manuals is available here. All color coding in the operator's manual has been retained in the scanned manuals. Although you may not have the 067-0911-00 (& up) Diagnostic Test Interface used by the (part number 070-2876-00) Diagnostic Manual, it can't hurt to have the info on hand should you acquire one (or perhaps to assist you in determining the value of acquiring one). These PDF files are sent on two CDs.
Two sets of the manuals are provided, in two resolutions. One is:
Text with photos: 600dpi, grayscale (contrast adjusted)
Text with Drawings: 600dpi black and white
Schematics: 600dpi black and white
Schematics and board overlays with color notes: 256 colors 600dpi
And of course they're fully-bookmarked as well as completely hyperlinked, and have BOTH the "chapter-page" numbering system AND the sequential numbering system.. PLUS, the smaller, faster resource PDFs which are also included are text-searchable.
The "very high resolution" or "reproduction grade" resolution looks nice, but for many purposes uses excessive resources. You can copy the large file to the hard drive in an attempt to achieve maximum performance, but having that be a necessity is certainly of no benefit to you. Therefore, although it's great to have this resolution for those times you need higher definition (such as when printing), we include a second set of scans in more normal resolutions for daily research and use on the bench. This is of EXTREME value with PDFs in the 400-600MB range, as many of you have learned too late. You also receive separate 'foldouts" documents of the service and diagnostics manuals that contain the "A3" (17"x11") sheets scanned full-size for they who prefer them. The "foldout" sheets are also contained in the "main" manuals as regular 8-1/2 x 11" sheets.
The second set of scans is done in resolutions that vary depending on individual page content, but are never higher than needed to produce a useable quality, quickly navigable file that will do the job without consuming more time and resources than are needed.
We send you both manuals in both resolutions on the CDs. You'll receive the "very high resolution" large files, plus the smaller, faster and for many purposes more useable text-searchable versions. That way, you can navigate, search and etceteras with the fast file and only use the excessively large files when you want to print. ALL original manual pages are supplied. "Marketing" CD mills loudly and proudly advertise page counts which are inflated by the addition of source identification/advertising and blank pages which increase their page counts and allow them to appear to supply a more comprehensive document. Rather than play along with that, we simply assure you that these manuals are complete, and let "marketers" continue to play their deceptive marketing games with giant fonts and slanted descriptions.
There are four Application Notes/Articles/Publications that "marketers" have placed into their offerings of the 7854 manuals. They are free downloads on the internet, but they're (*sigh*) making quite a bit of noise about them in their descriptions, as though they were really something special, so although we don't normally include anything freely downloadable in the sets we distribute (other than in VERY large collections on the order of 3.5 Gigabytes in size for they who don't have fast connections) we've included that same Application Notes/article/publication set. Our "competition" claims they're "4 APPLICATIONS NOTES" but that's just more of the usual marketing slant.. there are really only TWO App Notes, plus an article reprint and another publication. Included are:
Tek7854-AN-GPIB.pdf: "USING THE 7854 IN A GPIB CONFIGURATION" (16 pages in a 2 megabyte file) (App Note #42W-4416-1)
Tek7854-AN-PCBasic.pdf: "BASIC SOFTWARE PROGRAMS FOR COMMUNICATING BETWEEN THE 7854 AND AN IBM PC" (20 pages in a 2 megabyte file) (App Note #42W-5802)
Tek7854-AN-SPSBasic.pdf: "TALKING TO THE 7854 WITH TEK SPS BASIC" (9 pages in a 1 megabyte file) (Tech article)
Tek7854-AN-variety.pdf: "MEASUREMENT VARIETY. AN ENGINEERING CHALLENGE FEATURING THE 7854" (8 pages in a 1 megabyte file) (Publication #AX-4821)
These are not the quality we like to include in our offerings, and they are and have been freely downloadable on the internet, but they are the exact same PDFs "markters" so very proudly include, and we are certainly not figuring them in when pricing the set.
1. We didn't have to go through and remove digital signatures and etceteras, meaning far less chance of a missing page.
2. On the off-chance that you should find a missing page, we have the original paper copy and so can correct any errors.

Tek 7854 manuals and publications (set of 7) textsrch